- Practice healthy oral care habits. Make sure that your child understands the importance of regular brushing and flossing in addition to routine visits to the dentist.
- Childproof your home. Kids are active and accidents are sometimes unavoidable. We do encourage that you childproof your home in an attempt to stop any accidents from happening, such as a tooth being knocked out.
- Stay hydrated. Most parents forget about this one. Water is your child's best friend in all walks of life both orally and in their overall health. Staying hydrated helps promote gum health, washes away food particles and contains small amounts of fluoride that will help curb cavities. Remember, have your child drink at least 6 glasses of water a day!
If you still have more questions about how you can protect or promote your child's oral health, please do not hesitate to contact us. We enjoy caring for you and your family.